Ah, travelling. Just the thought is enough to put a smile upon your face. It’s like the higher the plane soars, the higher you rise above your worries and problems. Life situations are left behind. Head in the clouds mode activated. Regardless if it is for business or pleasure, getting away can have a very calming effect on the soul.
This bliss, however, could be short-lived, or worse, unable to get off the ground at all. You see, there are ‘must carry’ items that if not brought along can dampen the vacation or business experience or inhibit the trip from taking place altogether.
Super Obvious
Your passport. Have you ever had a dream where you were about to miss your flight? This would be a definite reason why. How can anyone forget the one thing they should have packed first? Yet it does happen. Children’s’ sticky fingers may have removed it from your bag, pet’s playfulness might have drawn them to take your passport and hide it away without your realization or simply, your forgetfulness.
Place your bag out of reach of little ones and pets. To avoid spilling anything onto it, making it useless, purchase a passport wallet or holder. Make use of swagbucks.com/shop/kohls-coupons to whittle down that cost to barely anything. Surely, for extra measure, use your coupons to get a fanny pack. Strapped onto your body, it will be much safer.
Credit Cards
Debit, credit, ATM cards should never be left behind. Imagine the horror to discover your wallet is not with you as you thought. All of your cards were left home. Home is definitely the preferable option to the taxi or a restaurant. These plastic lifelines get you everything from your plane ticket, meals, hotel accommodations, and more. To be left stranded broke in a foreign country does not sound pleasant. Avoid the stress, pack your cards.
Oh, the grief you risk experiencing if these are forgotten. Is anything sadder on a long trip than a dead cellphone, laptop, or tablet? Not to mention the Bluetooth headset? Gadgets have become closely linked to sanity and contentedness. How to pass the time? How to tune out that crying baby?
The withdrawal you may be faced with should you be thousands of miles away without the life-giving cables would be intense. While you’re at it, throw in a universal router and adapter. Your travels may take you to some faraway place where the watts and volts don’t correlate to those you know. I don’t want to see you cry. Be prepared.
If you suffer from allergies, or a certain or various health issues, please pack these medications in even before your passport. Inhalers for asthmatics, insulin for diabetics, nitroglycerine for persons with heart problems, blood pressure meds, migraine meds. Whatever it is, bring them.
If travelling to or from the United States, follow the necessary protocols. By large measure, you can travel freely with your medication. While it is not necessary to declare any tablets or capsules, it is advised that you mention all liquid medications. Avoid any situation that could endanger your life by ensuring these are secured in your carry-on luggage.
Handicap Equipment
If you are wheelchair-bound or travelling with someone who is, be sure to take along a portable ramp for ease of access on and off various means of transport. Options range from single fold to trifold ramps and everything in between. Non-skid choices are also available. While we would like it to be that wheelchair access is available everywhere around the world, we know that is not so. Don’t wait for that problem to present itself. Solve it before it even arises.
Important Documents
Just as you should never forget your passport, you should also strive to remember to pack your travel insurance document and driver’s license. Both for very clear reasons. To not be reliant on public transportation, but to be able to rent a vehicle and move about as you please is an understated joy. No can do without a driver’s license though. Tough luck. As for travel insurance documents, if you pay for it, you might as well show proof of purchase. Any damage to the property you travel with, medical expenses, or flight cancelations can be recouped. Don’t lose out
Reusable water bottle
Traveling with liquids above a certain quantity is problematic, so much so that you will be swiftly separated from whatever that liquid is, should it have been placed in your carry-on and not your checked bag. You could be dying of thirst while having to watch the officers dispose of your water, not even allowing you to drink it there on the spot. Heartless. But be smart. Pack an empty bottle and fill it up after you’ve gone through the checkpoints. Get yourself some water or soda. Way to beat the system, am I right?
A jacket
Yes, a jacket. Thank me later. Airports are cold. Airplanes are cold. Whatever country you’re flying to may be colder than both. But what if I’m travelling to somewhere tropical? Still. You know why? Because the weather is unpredictable everywhere. You may go expecting sunshine and encounter high winds. The weather forecast might say a slight chill but then you’re hit was a blast of cold and heavy rain. You just never know. Be ready for whatever.
Laid out before you was a very concise list of important items to ensure is in your travel bag or purse. Reasons why without these things on your vacation you might dissolve into a fit of rage, turn very sad and regretful or even break down was also clearly given. If you like rolling the dice or are looking for some excitement in your life and purposefully choose one of these ways to do it, much respect.
If with you, however, good sense prevails, then make haste to get every single item on that list into your bag right now, whether you’re traveling this year or not. Visiting a new country comes with its own perks and challenges. Let’s not add to those challenges. Bon Voyage!